Maggie: | Da, cum an huffa look! Colin’s posted a noo refyoo af Unca Jim’s poetry book. |
Shuggie: | Colin who? |
Maggie: | |
Shuggie: | Colin wull whit? |
Maggie: | He wullne oanyhin. |
Shuggie: | Then why’d ye say e would? |
Maggie: | Ah didne say e would |
Shuggie: | Aye ye did. You said, ‘Colin wull…’ |
Maggie: | Whit Ah meant wis tha Colin has… |
Shuggie: | Haas? As that no a Jewish name? |
Maggie: | His name’s no Haas, Da. At’s Wull. |
Shuggie: | Who? |
Maggie: | Colin. |
Shuggie: | Colin Haas? |
Maggie: | Naw … Wull. |
Shuggie: | Wullie who? |
Maggie: | Naw, tha’s his name: Wull! |
Shuggie: | Did ye no say is name were Colin? |
Maggie: | Ah did. |
Shuggie: | Then is name canne be Colin af it’s Wull. |
Maggie: | Aye it can. |
Shuggie: | Naw, it canne. |
Maggie: | Da, it can! |
Shuggie: | Ah bet you’ll be tellin me next hing tha black can be white. |
Maggie: | Ackchally… no, forget it. Tha guy’s name is Colin Wull. Wull is his last name. |
Shuggie: | No is middle name? |
Maggie: | Naw. |
Shuggie: | No short fer Wulliam or oanyhin? |
Maggie: | No, Da. |
Shuggie: | Ah see. So whit wull Colin Wull’s wull be then? |
Maggie: | E wulln’t oanyhin. E’s . . . whiteffer tha past tense af wulled is. |
Shuggie: | Wulted? |
Maggie: | Grrrrr. Jist look ere at is website. |
Shuggie: | Oh Ah see noo. At’s a refyoo af oor Jim’s book o poeyemtry. |
Maggie: | Ah wis tryin tae tell ye tha but ye widdne lissun. |
Shuggie: | Wull Ah’m lissunin noo. As it oany good? |
Maggie: | Aye, Da. Colin says: ‘This is a fine collection by a thoughtful, subtle and perceptive writer, and it deserves to be widely read.’ |
Shuggie: | Tha’s dead nice. Tha Colin’s a nice bloke. |
Maggie: | Ah’d huff tae agree thur, Da. |
Shuggie: | Whit’s is bloag caw’d? |
Maggie: | |
Shuggie: | So e’s an Australian? Ah though e wis Jewish. |
Maggie: | Don’t go thur, Da. |

Thursday, 5 August 2010
Aggie and Shuggie 25
book review,
Scottish poetry
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Just ordered it, Jim. Any chance you could sign it?
That's lovely of you, Marion, and of course I will.
Brilliant, as always. But thou knows what I think of Aggie and Shuggie.
Never disappoint.
It never ceases to amaze me how I manage to come up with these, Dave. I got the idea for this one while I was doing the dishes, came into the living room and jotted down "Who's on first" so I wouldn't forget the idea but I was back in five minutes because I couldn't keep the conversation that was brewing in my head. Not sure how long I can keep them coming but I'm not complaining. I do worry a little that not everyone realises that they're only there to point them to a book review. Perhaps what I need to do is state that explicitly in English so there's no doubt.
"I do worry a little that not everyone realises that they're only there to point them to a book review. Perhaps what I need to do is state that explicitly in English so there's no doubt."
And you just did, Jim!
Brill review. Really pleased for you.
I was - still am - dead flattered, Rachel. Colin's been in the poetry business for years. He must have read a lot of crap in that time. Now the hard thing - to get people to read the damn thing. That's why I've kept prices down to a minimum.
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